Last May 10, 2009 is a mother's day celebrated around the world. On the same day, the 1st Mayor Leyble's Pistol Shooting Competition was held here in Langhaya Range in Antipolo City. Simultaneous with the Antipolo pistol shoot was the 3rd PNSA Airgun Metallic Silhouete Competition held at the Philippine Marine Headquarters' PNSA Shooting Range.
There were several categories namely the Metallic Sillhouete Air rifle scoped, MS Air Rifle Iron sights, MS Pistol Scope, MS Pistol Iron sights and the Bench Rest shooting BR 25 meters competition were paper targets were placed 25 meters away from the shooter. 177 and 22 shooters were seperated in this BR25-meter shoot.
The MS competitors were divided into Masters, AAA, AA, A and B levels while the BR25 was shot with 2 categories or groups only, the 177 and the 22 calibers.

Oliver Nieva and I arrived there at around 8 in the morninng. Some familiar faces were already there when we arrived like Richard Fernandez, Mang Kit Ello, Atty. Lawrence Bagwan, Dayno Dinopol, Stephen "Rowell" Santiago, Tads Tadeo of Angeles Airgunners Association and some guys and friends from LAGSA, the Laguna Air Gun Shooters Association. I saw Mang Boni Borces and his 2 shooter daughets, Ana Marie and Jan Therese there with the rest of the LAGSA Team.

There were several sponsors also already at the 50-meter range of PNSA like the local JSB pellets distributor Anthony Herrera and his team. The Citybank guys, the PLDT SME, Jollibee, Bio-essence, Pearl of the Orient Boracay and many more...

The MS targets were already set at their respective stands, 20, 30, 36 and 45 yards away for the rifle shooters and 10, 12.5, 15 and 18 yards for the pistol shooters for the chicken, boar, turkey and ram metallic sillhouetes.
I saw a zeroing bay at the right of the range where Atty. Lawbag is zeroing his air rifles. A guy from Naga(Bicol region, didn't got his name) was there zeroing his rig. Dayno joined them to zero is JBC airgun also.

We learned from Richard that the shoot will start at 9:00am and had to register already. I was assigned as shooter number 023. The airguns had to pass the safety check and they weigh them to check and register the weights. There a 12 lbs limit for the BR25 where point may either be deducted or subtracted in percentages, e.g 1 lbs overweight will have a deduction of 1% on his score score to get his final score.
Below are some of the pictures I took.

There were some short speeches and later on the competition was declared open.
We were the first shooters to shoot the MS Air rifle category, I was assigned at bay no. 9, on my left was Oliver Nieva, beside me is Dayno at Bay no. 10 and on his right was a Dentist from LAGSA(forgot his name) at Bay no. 11, and Ana Marie Borces at the ram in bay no.12.

I got bronze in the BR25 177 category, Oliver got silver in MS Level B and the rest is history.
Enjoy the the pictures guys and gals...